Thursday, July 20, 2017


How we use these messages of love is in part an individual thing. This simply reflects that we are at different places along the ladder of prayer. So someone near the top doesn't need them at all. Hence, this writing is about using these messages for we who are not yet near the top of the ladder of prayer.

Everyone needs some quiet time with God and a period early in the day or early in the evening has proved very helpful to many. We can begin the day, any day, with a communion focus. This prelude can be read/said silently before using the mighty force Communion.

  • As you read the next paragraph to yourself, imagine the Holy Spirit is simultaneously reading it to you:

    “O be at peace, beloved of the Lord! What is your life but gratitude to Him Who loves you with an everlasting Love? What is your purpose here but to recall into His loving Arms the Son He loves, who has forgotten Who his Father is? What is your only goal, your only hope, your only need, the only thing you want, but to allow the secret place of peace to burst upon the world in all its joy, and let the Voice within it speak of Him whose love shines out and in and in- between, through all the darkened places, to embrace all living things within its golden peace?”

    • As you read this paragraph imagine yourself with your Creator, in gratitude:

    I am your Child, grateful for Your presence, and remembering our Oneness. My heart is open to the light of Your Love, it illumines the world. I am Your light and dwelling place. I speak for You to those who have forgotten. I call them now to You, and remember You now, for all the world. I hear Your call of Love and answer with Love, the only language we know.

    • Ask Jesus to help you and he be of one mind in the place of holy joining at God's altar to His Son.
    • Recall that you and Jesus are part of God’s one Son and born of God's changeless Love.
    • With gratitude, melt into God's ever presence, welcome His radiant Love.   
    • Reflect this Love in the world and share it with your Creator.

    Aside from the above quiet times, many are helped by devoting a few moments to God just before sleep.

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