Saturday, January 23, 2016

incidental needs

How we use these messages of love is in part an individual thing. This simply reflects that we are at different places along the ladder of prayer. So someone near the top doesn't need them at all. Hence, this writing is about using these messages for we who are not yet near the top of the ladder of prayer.

Life presents chaotic conflicting events and vigilance helps. If you feel off in any way, the mighty force Little Fish or Stillness may help.
Little Fish
The Little Fish mighty force has broad applicability and can be helpful even at random times. Being vigilant, we can on occasion review our thought patterns.
  • Ask Jesus to help you and he be of one mind in the place of holy joining at God's altar to His Son.
  • As you explore your thoughts with Jesus, notice without judgment each thought not born of Love.
  • With gratitude, melt into God's ever presence and welcome His radiant Love.
  • Ask Jesus to  to help you and he be of one mind in the place of holy joining at God's altar to His Son, the Christ.
  • Remember oneness, recall that you and Jesus are part of God’s one Son.
  • In stillness, listen to the call of the Christ …. the very call to you of Love itself.

The messages of Love were born of concern (on 1/14/78)  for “those who call in sorrow” and the above mighty forces can help us at the lower levels of the ladder of prayer e.g. everyone struggles with desire.

Monday, January 18, 2016

The messages are a help in 40+ difficult circumstances

Use it or lose it (mental exercises)
A key to understanding these messages is on page 2 paragraph 5 where The Song of Prayer says
“Prayer is a stepping aside; a letting go; a quiet time of listening and loving.”

Each message of love supports an aspect of prayer.
Poem Section
Aspect of Prayer
The Dream of Fear
stepping aside

The Two Gifts

stepping aside,
letting go
The Ending of the Dream
listening, loving
Our Gift to God
brotherly love
The Father's Love
radiant love   
God's messages of love correspond with the Development of Trust mentioned in Chapter 4 of the Manual. The six stages in the development of trust are periods of
undoing, sorting out, relinquishment, settling down, unsettling, achievement   
In The Dream of Fear message Jesus offers help in the
“period of undoing”. We can see as he does.
Working with Our Gift to God messages leads to “a period of
achievement”. We can become grateful for our brothers.
God's messages of love each contain a mighty force. Jesus first mentions mighty forces in the Text. In a 1967 “pep talk” for Helen and Bill he says (Text Chap 16, paragraph 9):
This is the year for the application of the ideas that have been given you.   
For the ideas are mighty forces, to be used and not held idly by.”
Since the messages of love are an endpoint i.e. the termination of Helen's scribing with Jesus, no workbook follows. But you can fulfill a message by applying it. The article linked here shows which mental exercises (brief meditations) and messages can help with over forty difficult circumstances (e.g. abandonment, hopelessness, muscle tension, sadness, resistance, worry, ...).
These messages have applications for day-to-day life beyond the difficult circumstances mentioned above.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

"The Father's Love" message and commentary

The Father's Love pp 126
The Father's Love message is shorter than what was printed in the 1982 book, The Gifts of God. The difference is explained in the Absence from Felicity biography. As this message is applied, we approach the top of the ladder of prayer just this side of Heaven. The text below is what Jesus dictated and Helen scribed on 4/11/78:
“There is a secret place in everyone in which God's gifts are laid, and his to Him. It is not secret to the eyes of Christ Who sees it plainly and unceasingly. Yet it is hidden to the body's eyes, and to those still invested in the world and caring for the petty gifts it gives, esteeming them and thinking they are real. Illusions' gifts will hide the secret place where God is clear as day, and Christ with Him. O let this not be secret to the world so full of sorrow so wracked with pain. You could relieve its grief and pain, and let the peace of God envelop it as does a mother rock a tired child until it sighs and slips away to rest.
Rest could be yours because of what God is. He loves you as a mother loves her child; her only one, the only love she has, her all-in-all, extension of herself, as much a part of her as breath herself. He loves you as a brother loves his own; born of one father, still as one in him, and bonded with a seal that cannot break. He loves you as a lover loves his own; his chosen one, his joy, his very life, the one he seeks when she has gone away, and brings him peace again on her return. He loves you as a father loves his son, without whom would his self be incomplete, whose immortality completes his own, for in him is the chain of love complete- a golden circle that will never end, a song that will be sung throughout all time and after-wards, and always will remain the deathless sound of loving and of love.
O be at peace, beloved of the Lord! What is your life but gratitude to Him Who loves you with an everlasting Love? What is your purpose here but to recall into His loving Arms the Son He loves, who has forgotten Who his Father is? What is your only goal, your only hope, your only need, the only thing you want, but to allow the secret place of peace to burst upon the world in all its joy, and let the Voice within it speak of Him whose love shines out and in and in- between, through all the darkened places, to embrace all living things within its golden peace?”
  • The tone shifts here. Usually Jesus speaks as the Holy Spirit but the rest of this dictation is as if Helen heard God speak (a similar pedagogic style is used at the end of The Song of Prayer).
“You are my Son, and I do not forget the secret place in which I still abide, knowing you will remember. Come, My Son, open your heart and let me shine on you, and on the world through you. You are My light and dwelling place. You speak for me to those who have forgotten. Call them now to Me My Son, remember now for all the world. I call in love, as you will answer me, for this the only language that we know. Remember love, so near you cannot fail to touch its heart because it beats in you.
Do not forget. Do not forget, My child. Open the door before the hidden place, and let me blaze upon a world made glad in sudden ecstasy. I come, I come. Behold Me. I am here for I am You; in Christ, for Christ, My Own beloved Son, the glory of the infinite, the joy of Heaven and the holy peace of earth, returned to Christ and from His hand to Me. Say now Amen, My Son, for it is done. The secret place is now open at last. Forget all things except My changeless love. Forget all things except that I am here.”
The last page of The Song of Prayer is as if God said:
“The universe is waiting your release because it is its own. Be kind to it and to yourself, and then be kind to Me. I ask but this; that you be comforted and live no more in terror and in pain. Do not abandon Love. “
  • There is no finer way to be kind to God than to join in conscious union.
Here we are encouraged to embrace our Loving nature and allow it to reflect in the illusion. Nestled within The Father's Love message is the mighty force of communion. In the last two paragraphs of The Father's Love, Jesus uses metaphor, as the Father knows us only in truth not in illusion. Speaking “as God” gives greater emphasis.
The last two sentences point to another mighty force, the little fish. Centuries ago Jesus spoke to his disciples about “The Wise Fisherman”, Saying #8 in the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus sometimes spoke in a cloaked way so that a Roman Centurion listening nearby might not report him as a rabble rouser (well at least that worked for awhile):
“A wise fisherman cast his net into the sea.
When he drew it up it was full of little fish.
Among them he discovered a large, fine fish.
He threw all the little fish back into the sea, and he chose the large fish.
Anyone here with two good ears should listen."
This saying is not about Tilapia in the Sea of Galilee. Jesus explains what happens when we are self-aware, observant of the ebb and flow of our thoughts. Every thought is born of love or born of something else e. g. fear, guilt, anger. These something else thoughts are deceptive and will lead us astray, away from peace. When we observe the flow of our thoughts for a while we may see an abundance of thoughts of the "something else" variety .... these are like the little fish. Amidst these will be a true thought, one whose genesis is Love, a gift from the Mind of God ... this is the large, fine fish.
To toss all the little fish back means we only need the God thoughts, we can ignore all the other thoughts, just toss them away. In the last two sentences of The Father's Love message Jesus mentions two large, fine fish:
  • “Forget all things except My changeless love.
  • Forget all things except that I am here.”
What once was best taught by parable is now more overt. The messages of love are a way our process of forgetting gradually but surely happens. The little fish mighty force is part of that process.
Application: Communion

  • Ask Jesus to help you and he be of one mind in the place of holy joining at God's altar to His Son.
  • Recall that you and Jesus are part of God’s one Son and all are born of God's changeless love.
  • With gratitude, welcome His radiant Love, melt into God's ever presence,  and allow the Love you are to reflect everywhere within and everywhere else.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

commentary "Our Gift to God" pp 123

Our Gift to God pp 123 
Our Gift to God explains how we answer the call to teachers of God that Jesus made on page 121 in the previous message, The Ending of the Dream. The Holy Spirit is mentioned twice. If you need clarity about the Holy Spirit's role, see the special thoughts just after Lesson 280. 
The first page of The Song of Prayer says 
2 1 To you who are in time a little while, prayer takes the form that best will suit your need. 2 You have but one. 3 What God created one must recognize its oneness, and rejoice that what illusions seemed to separate is one forever in the Mind of God. 4 Prayer now must be the means by which God's Son leaves separate goals and separate interests by, and turns in holy gladness to the truth of union in his Father and himself.” 
Our Gift to God is about how we recognize oneness and share ourselves. As this message is groked and often applied, we are rising on the ladder of prayer. 
The first paragraph defines gratitude as 
love expressed in joining 
Gratitude is also central to the prayer (on page 119 in The Gifts of God book) at the end of an earlier message, The Two Gifts, where Jesus prays with us. When we pray with another we can pray with a sense of gratitude. 
Page 7 in The Song of Prayer says 
“ 7 The key to rising further still in prayer lies in this simple thought; this change of mind: 8 We go together, you and I. 2 1 Now it is possible to help in prayer, and so reach up yourself. 2 “ 
Page 124 in Our Gift to God says 
“My brother, there are many calls to you from those who lost their way and need your help in finding it again.” 
On page 14 The Song of Prayer explains about relationships: 
“5 1 What should I do for him, Your holy Son?" should be the only thing you ever ask when help is needed and forgiveness sought. 2 The form the seeking takes you need not judge. 3 And let it not be you who sets the form in which forgiveness comes to save God's Son. 4 The light of Christ in him is his release, and it is this that answers to his call. 5 Forgive him as the Christ decides you should, and be His eyes through which you look on him, and speak for Him as well. 6 He knows the need; the question and the answer. 7 He will say exactly what to do, in words that you can understand and you can also use. 8 Do not confuse His function with your own. 9 He is the Answer. 10 You the one who hears.” 
Our Gift to God teaches us how to pray freely with another, to allow Love to help those who know not how to give. On page 125 we are encouraged to echo the Holy Spirit's saying 
 … let me give to God your gifts for you Because His altar waits  for them in love, And He is asking  that We place them there.” 
This is the mighty force gratitude. This mighty force can be a way healing intent is fulfilled  (i. e. some of the many calls to you, may present as a sickness) as described on pages 19 and 20 where The Song of Prayer says: 
 “4 1 Is there a role for healing, then, that one can use to offer help for someone else? 2 In arrogance the answer must be "no." 3 But in humility there is indeed a place for helpers. 4 It is like the role that helps in prayer, and lets forgiveness be what it is meant to be. 5 You do not make yourself the bearer of the special gift that brings the healing. 6 You but recognize your oneness with the one who calls for help. 7 For in this oneness is his separate sense dispelled, and it is this that made him sick. 8 There is no point in giving remedy apart from where the source of sickness is, for never thus can it be truly healed. 
5 1 Healers there are, for they are Sons of God who recognize their Source, and understand that all their Source creates is one with them. 2 This is the remedy that brings relief which cannot fail. 3 It will remain to bless for all eternity. 4 It heals no part, but wholly and forever. 5 Now the cause of every malady has been revealed exactly as it is. 6 And in that place is written now the holy Word of God. 7 Sickness and separation must be healed by love and union. 8 Nothing else can heal as God established healing. 9 Without Him there is no healing, for there is no love.” 
Here on page 125, Our Gift to God also echoes Lesson 195 of the Workbook Love is the Way I Walk in Gratitude, a great read which also contains a mighty force. 
Application (gratitude) 
We cannot say how our brother is presented, perhaps 
someone sick or weak or needy or afraid or mourning a seeming loss or  feeling pain or suffering cold or suffering hunger or
walking the way
 of hatred  
or walking the way of death (e. g. a killer). 
This is an example of using the mighty force gratitude. This usage can only be done lovingly. Among your gifts to be placed, even if the only gift, is your feeling of love for your Creator ... which grows as memory of your Oneness strengthens.  
  • Ask Jesus to help you, your brother, and He to be of one mind in the place of holy joining at God's altar to His Son, the Christ 
  • Remember Oneness, recall that you and your brother and Jesus are part of God's one Son, the Christ 
  • Place each of your brother's “gifts” (and yours) on the altar and surrender them to Jesus
  • In stillness, with gratitude, and open empty hands, allow you and your brother to receive the gifts of God and Christ.