Tuesday, June 19, 2012

GAD happens

For Those Who Call to God in Sorrow

To the dying, the sick, the sad, the lonely, the grieving, those racked with pain, each frightened voice that calls to God in whispered agony.  


This is dedicated to the Love which inspires us. The comments are my opinion and not endorsed by any other person, foundation, company or corporation. On 2/8/78 Helen Schucman, Ph.D. began to scribe five messages of love.

Anxiety Happens (it comes with each body) 

Dealing with fear is what the first two messages of love are about. Anxiety is a variety of fear, a subtle presence for everyone. GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) is widespread but not often diagnosed. In each moment we each are somewhere in the range from ease to pathology. As stress increases, anxiety can be more debilitating. 

Somewhere, A Quiet World  

The first of the messages of love offers this gift,
"A quiet world, with gentle ordering and kindly thought, alive with hope and radiant in joy, without the smallest bitterness of fear upon its loveliness."
Many years earlier Helen dreamed of a quiet world, as a "happy dream". The nightmares of today can yield to your happy dream. Like Barbra Streisand singing "Somewhere" your grasp of these messages awakens you to this quiet world, a welcome way-station on the prodigal son's homeward journey.